The aim of the LANET is to provide the scientific community working in Network Sciences of Latin America a forum to meet, foster collaborations, disseminate results, and promote the cross-fertilization of ideas from different areas.
This meeting is also structured to encourage active participation from young scientists, offering oral presentations, posters, and a school on the fundamentals of network theory and applications on the 28th of July.
The first edition was organized by the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (Puebla, México), the second edition by the Universidad de los Andes (Cartagena de Indias, Colombia), and the third edition was co-organized by the Universidad del Pacífico and Universidad Andina del Cusco (Cusco, Perú).
Early-bird | Regular | Late/In person | REGISTRATION LINKS | ||
Category | From March 10th to May 9th | From May 10th to June 30th | From July 1st to July 31st | Registration & dinner (+50USD) | Only registration |
Students & Postdocs |
200 | 250 | 350 | Link | Link |
Researchers & Professionals | 300 | 350 | 450 | Link | Link |
National participants (Students & Researchers) | 100 | 100 | 200 | * | * |
We have taken the advantage of joining together the best scientists working on Network Science and organized a one-day School on Fundamentals and Applications of Network Science. The school will be held at the Conference location on the 28th of July. More about the registration and school content will be released soon. The school will be taught in Spanish. The lecturers will be:
The conference will be held at the Centro Universitario Regional del Este (CURE, of the Universidad de la República (UdelaR), Uruguay. The CURE is located at Tacuarembó street, 20100 Punta del Este, Departamento de Maldonado (between Bulevar Artigas and Avenue Aparicio Saravia).
The inter-city bus service in Uruguay is of good quality. Two bus companies, named COT and COPSA, operate between Montevideo and Punta del Este, both having bus shuttles going from Montevideo's main bus terminal (Tres Cruces) and from the airport. These buses depart from Terminal Tres Cruces at Montevideo, having a stop at the Carrasco Airport to pick up arriving passengers. Both companies have commercial offices at Tres Cruces Terminal, but only COT has a commercial office at the Carrasco Airport. The distance from Montevideo to Punta del Este is approximately 140km, which takes the bus about 2 hours from Montevideo.
Airport Bus Stop: The Bus Stop is located on the far right of the Airport Exit. Do mind that buses with destinations other than Punta del Este also call at the Airport Stop, therefore, please make sure to check that the sign stating the destination at the upper front of the bus you are going to board reads: ''Punta del Este''. You can buy the ticket on the bus after boarding, or in case of choosing COT, at the counter on their commercial office near the Airport bus stop. It is convenient to buy the ticket before boarding the bus in order to secure a seat.
See the full LANET board at